fiber optics|fiber optics in English

glass fibers that are used to transmit data using pulses of light (enables transmission over a wide bandwidth without interference)

Use "fiber optics|fiber optics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fiber optics|fiber optics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fiber optics|fiber optics", or refer to the context using the word "fiber optics|fiber optics" in the English Dictionary.

1. Fiber optics is the method of transmitting signals over such fiber.

2. But fiber optics may change all that.

3. It was into bioengineering, lasers, fiber optics.

4. Fiber optics transmitting 40 billion bits of data per second.

5. Another low-voltage alternative to explore is fiber optics lighting.

6. We offer fiber optics attenuators ( optical fiber attenuators ) which includes FC, SC, LC and ST type.

7. 15 Fiber optics transmitting 40 billion bits of data per second.

8. I don't know. I just took hand off the fiber optics.

9. Any band, the fiber optics, the satellite, can meet entire linking - up.

10. Fiber optics have even been adopted by novelty makers for table decorations.

11. Fiber optics are central to another big upgrade of radio telescopes in Europe.

12. Long - distance traffic will be carried via fiber optics, and short via RF.

13. Replacing metal wiring with fiber optics could change everything from supercomputers to laptops.

14. Fiber optics are becoming increasingly more common for use with Local - Area Networks ( LANs ) .

15. VSP jogging tool adopts advanced fiber optics sensor to test the oil - gas reservoir.

16. It gives us life - changing tools, from incandescent bulbs to lasers and fiber optics.

17. Ultra bright emitter. Fiber optics. Bar code scanning. Water clear. Peak emission wavelength 660 nm.

18. The United States Navy is investigating the use of fiber optics for communicating with submerged submarines.

19. RF Attenuators are generally used in electronic circuitry, while optical ones are used in fiber optics.

20. The TA31RCO incorporates dual-illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium.

21. In fiber optics communications , signals are converted to light form and fired by laser in bursts.

22. Lighting Technology Outfits : A technology that uses fiber optics or lighting wire to transmit light waves.

23. In the most preferred embodiment, the fiber optics and/or sensors are individually accessible to discrete wells.

24. Arthroscope definition, a tubelike instrument utilizing fiber optics to examine and treat the inside of a joint

25. Recently, they were packaged with fiber optics for detecting the light signals that register magnetic field strength.